The Tyrant’s Beloved Doll

Chapter 45: “Luna, I’m leaving now!”

By all means, it was still a barefaced lie if she said that Luna is not in a cold sweat about her anymore. Her hands are still shaking while sending her off this morning.

On the flip side, Sezh was tickled pink by excitement to go to Lady Lize’s palace, her steps felt so light.

Since she already gained approval from The Emperor and her mother, Sezh doesn’t need to go sneakily in order to avoid people stares this time. Despite that, she still had to meet one person.

Yes, It’s Eton. She previously promised to visit him a few days ago … and there was something that she wanted to complain about!

Why an adult needlessly poked his nose in the children’s argle-bargle.

In addition, Sezh had another thing in her head that she also wanted to talk with Eton after that. The time when she wormed in that cramped dog hole, instead of Raytan, she clashed up with Eton. It seemed like there must be a reason … Sezh unconsciously mused about it.

In any case, her priority now is to tell him to not interfere whenever there’s a fight happening again. No one knows if there would be no next dispute raised.

“Khem, Khem.”Sezh tried to clear her throat then knocked the door.

“This is Sezh, I will come in.”

Today, Sezh is also the one who opened up the door by herself.

As soon as she successfully entered the peaceful room, she found Eton who was sitting on a chair as ever.

The lukewarm steaming milk that was well served on top of the table hinted to her that Eton was already aware of her visit.

“You come early, Sezh.”

Eton spoke while drawing a thin curve of smile on his face.

Sezh, who already put her body to sit in front of him, suddenly stopped her plan to open up her mouth.

Honestly, she wanted to say ‘You know what kind of mess that happened because of you, Uncle!’ at the exact moment that she faced him.

However, Eton’s condition did not appear like usual. He looked quite tired. He didn’t put a vicious smile like what he used to be or spitting his uncultured jokes.

Sezh finally asked after some time being hesitant.

“Uncle Eton, are you hurt?”

“Not Uncle. I told you to call me brother.”

He was so persistent with that ‘Call me brother’ command. A man with a great deal of tenacity.

“By the way, how was it yesterday. You must have no problem anymore, right?”

Eton brought up the topic first.

“What do you mean? It was really a big commotion after that. If I want to explain it more clearly … Yesterday was a complete disaster.”

Everytime she recalled anything that happened yesterday, she felt dizzy. Sezh pouted her mouth.

“Something huge almost happened you know. I appreciate it that you wanted to help me, but please don’t do such a thing again.”

“Um …”

Eton tapped his chin calmly.

“Even so, you’re feeling relieved inside, aren’t you?”

“That … is right but ….”

Sezh couldn’t answer the question with an instant ‘No’ right away. In all sincerity, it was right that she felt relieved inside when she saw Lillian turned into such a condition yesterday.

In spite of that, once again she really couldn’t imagine what kind of worst nightmare that will come to her in the near future because of it.

But Eton instead proposed an idea that looks like he didn’t even think about it at all beforehand.

“Then, should I just kill?”


“Kill. Isn’t it cleaner and quieter?”


“You know, it is surely a trivial thing for me.”

Eton smiled straightforwardly.

He seemed to not realize how scary things that he just offered to her. For that matter, if she dredged up one memorable episode of her life that had happened before, to be exact, when her mouth was locked up. While releasing his spell, Eton said …

Soon, it felt like there was a piercing cold that tingled her spine.

“Right. I think I should do it right away. So there will be no things bugging you again.”

“No, please no. Don’t do that.”


Eton seriously put a curious expression.

Why you said … The overwhelmed face of Sezh was staring at Eton, she replied.

“That-That’s a little … you know. Of course they keep bothering me but … if you take action to that rate … And if- if sister died. Everyone will put their blame on Brother Raytan …”

“Sezh, I think you didn’t get what I said.”

“Yes …?”

“I said. I’m not gonna kill only just that evil little bitch. I will do it with everyone who breathed here.”


“I will leave just you and your brother.”

Sezh’s face turned pale.

Rather than thinking about if Eton truly can do that. She was thinking, ‘Will he really do that kind of tragedy?’

“N-No… Please, please don’t do that.”

Sezh couldn’t reply without shaking her voice.

“Aw, you’re such a kind girl. Sezh.”

Eton smiled tenderly.

“But if you change your mind, I like it if you tell me without any delay. As you know earlier, it’s very simple for me to do that.”

Sezh didn’t know what kind of answer she should give to counter Eton’s words. She just sealed her lips and gawked her eyeballs toward him.

“Your brother.”

“Yes, yes?”

“Your brother. Who is his mother?”

He really doesn’t know? As a matter of fact, Eton was comfortably staying at her palace here and now. Why he was puzzled with something like that.

Sensed that was a prickle of fear rose up within her. Eton assured Sezh with a warm voice.

“In case you wanna know. I don’t intend to kill her.”

“That … She is Lady Lize.”


“Yes. The owner of this palace. She also became the mediator of yesterday’s clamour… She cares about me too …. She is really a nice person. So, please. If you ever think to do anything bad to her …”

“Hey, I’m not gonna do anything. Sezh, you are a white-livered more than you look huh.”

Eton smirked. His usual trait seemed to come back again.

Fluttered Sezh sweeped her own chest secretly.

“And what kind of person that Lize woman is?”

“Uh, Eum … First thing first, she is sooo beautiful, and soft, and a warm person …”

“Hm …”

“Ah! And she was coming from Iyont Empire. That’s why she can speak Kazaki language fluently and teach it to Brother Raytan.”

“Iyont Empire?”

Analyzing the information, Eton’s eyes squinted

“That place is located so far away from here. How did she come here?”

This time, it was Sezh who settled her eyelids into a flat. The question that Eton just threw, Sezh never found anyone in The Imperial Palace who doesn’t know about that.

“I don’t know exactly how it went but … She is originally a dancer and then she met The Emperor and caught his heart by coincidence? I don’t know exactly if it was a banquet or different event … but I think it’s not the one that was held by The Iyont Empire.”

Eton responded with an undistinguished expression on his face whilst touching his chin again. He finally nodded his head not long after that.

“I see.”

The silence overloaded the room since both of them didn’t prefer to talk about anything. Sezh decided to drink her tepid milk with no sound while fiddled up with a book that she brought from her palace on her knees. Yesterday, the situation was not supportive enough for her to read the book.

She has to read it today no matter what happens, her ultimate motive to read it of course to find who Eton is exactly. When she asked him directly like in the past, he would just fool her around. She even couldn’t ask anybody else. The last choice is to unpacked it all by herself.

Around the time Sezh finished her milk, Eton opened his mouth again.

“You’re hungry, right. Your enthusiasm to drink it was immaculate.”

“Ah, that … I was coming here in a hurry so I couldn’t get a proper breakfast.”

“It’s okay. Since a delicious strawberry cake is waiting for you now.”

“He? Is there a cake here? I don’t see any.”

Sezh widened her blue eyes. If there is a cake, why not present it from the start.

“Just go quickly, there was strawberry cake and also your brother waiting for you.”

About the strawberry cake thing, Sezh was still confused in her brain. But things about Raytan might be true that he already arrived at the library first in the meantime.

Sezh lifted her body to get up from her seat. He was beaten up because of her yesterday. Sezh didn’t want to make Raytan waste such an unrequired sweat again.

“Be careful, don’t trip on your feet.”

Eton greeted kindly.“Yes, have a good day.”

Sezh said in response and didn’t get less polite. She then left the room, letting Eton’s door closed behind her.

Shortly thereafter, Sezh, who was heading to the library, suddenly just realized that she had totally forgotten about something. She forgot to ask Eton about that learning magic stuff.

Beyond questions, She didn’t believe in all of Eton’s stories that she could really use magic as well, but it’s true that her ears were enticed by that. Let’s just ask him tomorrow, since he looked so certain and said that she is able to do magic too …

Finally reaching her steps to the library, she faced a surprising yet awesome truth. Eton was all right, there was no flaw from his words earlier.Entering the library, Sezh saw a cake and of course Raytan too. It seems that Raytan, who arrived at the library first, has already prepared it in advance.

A strawberry cake with a lot of grand fresh reddish strawberries on top of it!

Raytan frowned while watching Sezh, who according to him, made a spooky expression now. And of course Sezh was so uncommitted to put any care with that.

There was just one thing in her head.

Let’s finish the tutoring with Brother, so I can root out something from this book!

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